I am Brian, I am a friendly, I live my life
for Jesus, I have two brothers and two sister, i have a good parents, they are
so is the best of my life, I have one friends, he is Togar, he hobbies is play
music, and he is smart.
I have a one friends, she is grace, he is a
beatifull women, she is smart, she is a good friendly, she hobbies a read the
book, she have two sister, she live in Bekasi, she edure at Gunadarma
University, and she is a strong women.
I am a Gunadarma student, my actifity is
lecture, I am economic faculty, my class in EB22, i have a more friends in the
class, my friends character is funny, firm and any more. I have one activity in
my campus it is ukm of persekutuan doa, I have more friends in ukm of
persekutuan doa, and this place I praise and worship God.